MYQL-cli is a command line tool to run YQL queries or to generate YQL OpenTable


$ pip install myql-cli # Not available yet

How To

usage: YQL-cli tools [-h] [-v] {init-config,execute,shell,table} ...

positional arguments:
    init-config         Init a config file .myql-cli.ini in your home
    execute             Executes a YQL query
    shell               Prompts a YQL shell command
    table               Creates a YQL table

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program\'s version number and exit
Config File

myql-cli config file is located in ~/.myql-cli.ini.

$ ./ init-config
format = json # Default format
oauth = False # OAuth enabled

diagnostics = False
debug = False
jsoncompact = False

diagnostics = False
debug = False

from_file = None # Path to your credentials json file

NB: Your credentials file must at least have

    "consumer_key":"your consumenr key",
    "consumer_secret": "your consumer secret"
Query Tool
$ myql-cli execute -h
usage: YQL-cli tools execute [-h] [--format {json,xml}] [--pretty]
                             [--jsonCompact] [--diagnostics] [--debug]

positional arguments:
  execute              Execute a YQL query

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --format {json,xml}  Response returned format
  --jsonCompact        Json response compacted
  --diagnostics        Response with diagnostics
  --debug              Response with diagnostics
  • json
$ myql-cli execute --format json "select * from geo.countries where name='Congo'"
    "query": {
        "count": 1,
        "lang": "en-US",
        "results": {
            "place": {
                "lang": "en-US",
                "woeid": "23424779",
                "uri": "",
                "name": "Congo",
                "placeTypeName": {
                    "content": "Country",
                    "code": "12"
        "created": "2015-04-07T12:37:13Z"
  • xml
$ myql-cli execute --format xml "select * from geo.countries where name='Congo'"
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<query xmlns:yahoo="" yahoo:count="1" yahoo:created="2015-04-07T12:36:44Z" yahoo:lang="en-US">
        <place xml:lang="en-US" xmlns="" yahoo:uri="">
            <placeTypeName code="12">Country</placeTypeName>
<!-- total: 113 -->
<!-- -->
  • xml + diagnostics
$ myql-cli execute --format xml --diagnostics "select * from geo.countries where name='Congo'"
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<query xmlns:yahoo="" yahoo:count="1" yahoo:created="2015-04-07T12:38:43Z" yahoo:lang="en-US">
        <url execution-start-time="2" execution-stop-time="71" execution-time="69">
<![CDATA[;start=0;count=1000]]>        </url>
        <place xml:lang="en-US" xmlns="" yahoo:uri="">
            <placeTypeName code="12">Country</placeTypeName>
<!-- total: 74 -->
<!-- -->
  • json + diagnostics + debug
$ myql-cli execute --format json --diagnostices --debug "select * from geo.countries where name='Congo'"
    "query": {
        "count": 1,
        "lang": "en-US",
        "diagnostics": {
            "url": [
                    "content": "",
                    "execution-stop-time": "5",
                    "execution-start-time": "1",
                    "execution-time": "4",
                    "id": "3a511b18-0e52-405d-b804-803933d620eb"
                    "content": "",
                    "execution-stop-time": "17",
                    "execution-start-time": "7",
                    "execution-time": "10",
                    "id": "ddd7fc5d-b63d-4988-9437-fb678f781e46"
                    "content": "",
                    "execution-stop-time": "53",
                    "execution-start-time": "42",
                    "execution-time": "11",
                    "id": "43b945b6-b92a-4e74-a58c-9a7b597a8045"
                    "content": ";start=0;count=1000",
                    "execution-stop-time": "156",
                    "execution-start-time": "79",
                    "execution-time": "77"
            "user-time": "160",
            "build-version": "0.2.75",
            "service-time": "102",
            "publiclyCallable": "true"
        "results": {
            "place": {
                "lang": "en-US",
                "woeid": "23424779",
                "uri": "",
                "name": "Congo",
                "placeTypeName": {
                    "content": "Country",
                    "code": "12"
        "created": "2015-04-07T12:39:47Z"
YQL Shell
$ myql-cli shell -h
$ myql-cli shell
Table Manager
$ myql-cli table -h
usage: YQL-cli tools table [-h] [-i] [-c] table

positional arguments:
  table         Create a YQL Table from python file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  -i, --init    Creates a project with a file in it
  -c, --create  Creates tables in the file of your project
  • Initialize the table project
$ myql-cli table -i lol
$ ls -l lol
  • Define your table
$ vim lol/
from myql.contrib.table import BinderModel, BinderKey, BinderPage, TableModel, BinderFrom

class SelectBinder(BinderModel):
    name = 'select'
    itemPath = 'products.product'
    produces = 'xml'
    pollingFrequencySeconds = 30
    urls = ['{artist}','{song}']
    paging = BinderPage('page', {'id': 'ItemPage', 'default': '1'}, {'id':'Count' ,'max':'25'},{'default': '10'})
    artist = BinderKey(id='artist', type='xs:string', paramType='path')
    song = BinderKey(id='song', type='xs:string', paramType='path', required='true')

class TestTable(TableModel):
    name = 'Test'
    author = 'Josue Kouka'
    apiKeyURL = ''
    documentationURL = ''
    sampleQuery = ['SELECT * FROM mytable']
    select = BinderFrom(SelectBinder)

  • Generate your table in XML
$ myql-cli table --create lol
$ ls lol
Test.xml  __init__.pyc    tables.pyc
$ cat lol/Test.xml
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<table https="false" securityLevel="any" xmlns="">
        <author>Josue Kouka</author>
        <sampleQuery>SELECT * FROM mytable</sampleQuery>
        <select itemPath="products.product" pollingFrequencySeconds="30" produces="xml">
                <key id="song" paramType="path" required="true" type="xs:string"/>
                <key id="artist" paramType="path" required="false" type="xs:string"/>
            <paging model="page">
                <start default="1" id="ItemPage"/>
                <total default="10"/>
                <pageSize id="Count" max="25"/>
